Swar Raisinghani
Swar Raisinghani grew up in Gujarat and studied graphic design at the MIT Institute of Design, Pune. She took on internships, attended conferences like DesignYantra and Typography Day, and quickly found herself gravitating to projects that made a social impact. She values conversation and learning about social innovation from the diverse voices at DSI. In her spare time, Swar travels, watches movies, and works on her illustrations.
Now that she has graduated from DSI, Swar is currently based in Pune, India, where she works as a co-founder and design lead at Xeno Co-Lab. Her company specializes in creating meaningful, sustainable impact for people and businesses through collaboration to design unique products, services & experiences. They also provide lectures and workshops globally about designing for diversity and inclusion, and most recently featured at Internet Week Denmark 2019 in Aarhus. Some of Xeno Co-Lab’s notable projects can be found here.