Nicholas Chan
Nicholas Chan is from the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated from University of California Santa Cruz with degrees in Business Management Economics and Visual Art. Since graduating, he has developed a visual arts collective, bamboo bike company, and contemporary dance platform in China. He is interested in utilizing UX research and service design within international development. When he’s not working, he can be found cooking, climbing mountains, or traveling the world.
Since graduating from DSI, Nick settled in Brooklyn and is now working as a Senior Design Strategist at Doblin / Deloitte. Nick has worked across health care, behavioral health, insurance, and social service sectors. Nick practices human-centered design methods, but pulls from a wide range of expertise and experiences, to ultimately bridge community-level insights for improved experiences.
Prior to joining Doblin, Nick worked as Lead Experience Designer at Mount Sinai, helping the health system discover and develop opportunities for innovation. Nick has also worked as a strategic and service design consultant within the global health, education, and immigration sectors. He and his partner, Malé Sandoval-Avila, have also continued to implemented their joint thesis, The MakeGuffin Project, as a program at the Jewish Community Center after graduation.