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Maggie Wong

Maggie Wong is a designer and artist from Houston, Texas with roots from Hong Kong. She completed her studies with a Bachelor of Science in Film from the University of Texas at Austin. Since then, her work has focused on helping social enterprises and nonprofits expand their market and resources through visual storytelling, community events, and social media. Her passion led her to initiatives that center on childhood development, community development, and restorative justice in rural and urban communities. The relationships she built with people have been one of her greatest reward in this journey. She looks forward to grow as a collaborative practitioner and gain new perspectives in social design that is effective and sustainable.

Thesis Projects

The Language of Us

“The Language of Us” seeks educational equity by providing academic and social-emotional resources responsive to the needs of elementary students from asylum-seeking families and their educators. Activities that encourage reflection, storytelling, and art to bridge cultural and language gaps between teachers and students advocate for school systems that proactively equip teachers to cultivate a learning environment reflective of asylum-seeking students who find New York City home for the time being.

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