PEP TALKS, which stands for Perinatal Engagement Pathways: Tools To Amplify Lived Knowledge Sharing, reimagines what it means to care for perinatal individuals’ mental health in the transition to parenthood. The project explores pathways that center the voices of individuals with lived expertise of perinatal mental health conditions to co-create tools that improve access to perinatal mental healthcare by connecting individuals and families to the support they need.
Sophia Geanacopoulos
Sophia graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and a minor in Communication Design. Since graduating, she has honed her design and brand strategy skills through two professional opportunities, most recently working as the Global Brand and Design Manager at MassChallenge, a global non-profit startup accelerator. Through her work at MassChallenge, she was exposed to entrepreneurs from around the world working to create meaningful change. This deepened her desire to explore how she can use her own skill set to create impact throughout her career and beyond. As she begins her graduate studies at SVA, Sophia is eager to expand her understanding of design methodologies and further develop the creative leadership skills needed to address social challenges. She is most looking forward to learning from and alongside the faculty and her peers as they navigate the field of social design.